testfile (dominik-SATELLITE-PRO-L870-15F's conflicted copy 2017-02-24).R


bn <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark

rown <- c(100, rep(40, 10))
coln <- c(100, rep(40, 10))

## rown <- rep(2, 2)
## coln <- rep(2, 2)
x <- purrr::map(rown, function(n) purrr::map(coln, function(m) matrix(rnorm(n*m), nrow = n)))

u <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(xx) do.call(cbind, xx)))
uu <- dmisc:::.combine_asym_arma(x, rows=rown, cols=coln)
sum((u -uu)^2)

bn(times = 100,
do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(xx) do.call(cbind, xx))),
dmisc:::.combine_asym_arma(x, rows=rown, cols=coln)

## x1 <- x
## x1[[2]][[1]] <- NULL; x1[[3]][[2]] <- NULL; x1[[3]][[1]] <- NULL
## x1[[2]][[1]] <- NULL
## x1[[2]][[1]] <- NULL; x1[[3]][[2]] <- NULL; x1[[3]][[1]] <- NULL

bn(times = 1000,
do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(xx) do.call(cbind, xx))),
 dmisc:::.combine_sym_arma(x, rows=rown, cols=coln)

do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(xx) do.call(cbind, xx)))

dmisc:::.combine_sym_arma(x1, rows=rown, cols=coln)


x <- x1
x <- x2
x <- x3
symmetric <- F
symmetric <- T

bind_matlist <- function(x, symmetric = FALSE, byrow = TRUE, check = FALSE)
  n_vert <- length(x)
  n_horiz <- vapply(X = x, FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1L))

  if (check) {

    if (symmetric) {
      ## block-level tests
      t1 <- max(n_horiz) != n_vert
      t2 <- any(abs(diff(n_horiz)) != 1L)

      ## sublock-level tests
      ## TODO

      if (t1 || t2)
        stop("Input not conformable with a symmetric structure.")
    } else {


    ## bn(times = 10,     {})
    n_col <- n_row <- matrix(data = NA_integer_, nrow = n_vert, ncol = max(n_horiz))
    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
      for (j in seq_along(x[[i]])) {
        jp <- if (symmetric && n_horiz[1L] > 1L) j + i - 1L else j
        n_col[i, jp] <- ncol(x[[i]][[j]])
        n_row[i, jp] <- nrow(x[[i]][[j]])
    ## n_col
    ## n_row

    ## Test if all dimensions are conformable.
    tf <- function(x) length(unique(na.omit(x))) != 1L
    tc <- any(apply(X = n_col, MARGIN = 2L, FUN = tf))
    tr <- any(apply(X = n_row, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = tf))
    if (tc || tr)
      stop("Dimensions of submatrices are not conformable.")

    cols <- n_col[1L, ]
    rows <- n_row[, ncol(n_col)]

    combine_asym <- function(x, rows, cols) {
      n <- sum(rows)
      m <- sum(cols)
      mat <- matrix(data = 0.0, nrow = n, ncol = m)

      cib <- 0L
      for (ib in seq_along(rows)) {
        cjb <- 0L
        for (jb in seq_along(cols)) {
          xx <- x[[ib]][[jb]]
          for (i in seq_len(rows[ib])) {
            for (j in seq_len(cols[jb])) {
              im <- cib + i
              jm <- cjb + j
              mat[im, jm] <- xx[i, j]
            } # j
          }  # i
          cjb <- cjb + cols[jb]
        } # jb
        cib <- cib + rows[ib]
      } # ib




sum((mat - X)^2)

bn(times = 100,
do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(xx) do.call(cbind, xx))),
do.call(rbind, purrr::map(x, .f = do.call, what = 'cbind')),
combine_asym(x, rows, cols)

dmisc:::.combine_asym(x, rows, cols)
DominikMueller64/dmisc documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:52 p.m.